

Date: February 28, 2021

Category: writeup

Tags: osint

Challenge description

Yummy Crusty Pizza have been working on their secret recipe for over two decades, serving only the best pizza in the city. A hacker recently broke into their OLD database and dumped their recipe online, can you retrieve it?

Beware of errors and bad practices as this my first ever write up, written for the OSINT challenge made by @s1nfulz and @0xLegacyy

As this is an OSINT challenge, the first thing to be done is to find the website and I began to dork the google. After multiple attempts the term intext:"Yummy Crusty Pizza" gave the result: https://www.yummycrustypizza.com/ Google search on yummy crusty pizza

Going to the site greets us to a templatemo site, and the one thing that pops out is the “database” navigation Yummy Crusty Pizza website

Upon navigating to the database site (https://www.yummycrustypizza.com/database), we see that it is taken down: Database page of Yummy Crusty Pizza

Knowing that the /database was taken down, I began checking the webarchive for an archivation of the page. (which there is) List over the Web-archives The webarchive of the database page

We see a dump of the user database with hashed password of 6 users here, pasting the dump on to https://crackstation.net/ we get the password for the user sinfulz which is password5. Crackstation on the hashes

Knowing the password I try to find a place to login with the password. The first thing was to pop up gobuster to fuzzsearch the directory and routes. Doing this we find the route https://www.yummycrustypizza.com/logs, however the combination of username and password doesn’t work. Releasing this, I try to find other clues.

Looking at the footer we see links to different social media accounts for Yummy Crusty Pizza Social media icons

Going to the sites we see that there’s nothing interesting on the github and pinterest accounts. However the instagram accounts gives us our first “fake flag”: SINFULZ{We're_n0_str4ng3rs_t0_l0v3} and the twitter account we find this interesting post: Twitter page

Knowing that the dump is located in pastebin, we go to the site https://pastebin.com/BvatWyq8: Pastebin And there the secret recipe is found at https://cryptobin.co/j5h5l4y8 Going to the site we find out that we need a password to unlock the file. Cryptobin Remembering the password we’ve found earlier, password5, unlocks us the file and there we find our real flag: SINFULZ{DUMPED_SECRETS_ON_PUBLIC_SITES_ARE_REAL} Decrypted cryptobin showing the pizza recipe / flag

Finding the flag, I set out my journey to find the easter egg made by Legacyy. However, after testing out all sort of google dorking, fuzz searches and hash/password bruteforcing, I failed miserably.

After reading another tweet from the creator of the challenge @s1nfulz, I see hint on the favicon.ico and the potential easter egg located in the file sin_pizza_n-obg_2.ico. However with the hint, I wasn’t able to find the easter egg after spamming all types of stegonography techniques on the given favicon.ico file, reverse image searching and fuzzing for the file sin_pizza_n-obg_2.ico. (No I didn’t because I am an idiot) My journey had to be ended here I thought… Sneak peek twitter feed on the easter egg

Sike! After some day (4 days) later, I’ve refreshed my thoughts and began to start searching for the easter egg once again. This time I focused more on the stegonography part instead of OSINT. As usual stego challenges, I began running strings and there I found a big clue which made the next part quite trivial:

easter egg here:xor
key: legacyy

Knowing this I set up a python script to xor the file with the given key legacyy:

# Read the bytes
a = b""
with open("favicon.ico","rb") as f:
    a = f.read()
# Find index location of the string "easter"
index = a.find(b"easter")
# print(a[index:index+54])
key = b"legacyy" # key
n = 1 # key offset
# XOR and print output
for i in range(index,index+54):
    c = a[i] ^ key[n%len(key)]

This gives us the output: Python script output

  • Easter egg is finally found: waterproof toaster :)

This wraps up my first ever writeup. I would like give lots of thanks to @s1nfulz and @0xLegacyy for a great beginner friendly OSINT challenge, and would love to take part in future challenges like this again

Thank you for reading!


  • Fake flag: SINFULZ{We're_n0_str4ng3rs_t0_l0v3}
  • Easter egg: waterproof toaster :)